5. oktober 2011

Crackle Manicures

Živjo. Se opravičujem, ker me nekaj časa ni bilo na spregled, ampak začel se je fax in s tem poooolno dodatnih obveznosti. Za danes sem pripravila nekaj starih manikur s crackle topperji. Če vas zanimajo lakci iz katerih je kombinacija nastala bom z veseljem odgovorila.

Heeey! I'm sorry for being absent for a while, because I've started with a new academic year. That brings up a lot of different obligations. For today I've prepared a couple of old manicures with a crackle effect. If you want to know which polishes I've used, just ask me and I will be happy to answer you. 

Se opravičujem za slabo stanje nohtov na nekaterih slikah in za slabo kvaliteto, ker so nekatere posnete s telefonom.

And also sorry for the bad nail condition and bad picture quality, because some pictures were taken with a mobile phone.

Katera kombinacija vam je najbljubša?
Which combination do you prefer?

28. september 2011

NOTD: Essence Caribbean Sea + Essence blue addicted

Živjo. Nekaj dni sem imela res gnečo, tako, da je moj blog malo počival. Danes vam spet predstavljam NOTD manikuro, ki je narejena iz novih Essence pridobitev. Ker sem res želela preizkusiti tudi blue addicted je bilo nujno, da pride na vrsto takoj za time for romance, ki sem ga predstavila prejšnič.

Hello. I have busy days around here, so my blog was alone for a while. Today I'm showing you the next polish from my new Essence haul. After the manicure with time for romance I was really looking forward to present you the blue addict.

Levo/ Left - carribean sea,
Desno/Right - blue addicted

Najprej sem nohte namazala z eno plastjo caribbean sea (03) laka, ki je sicer del Essence Show your feet kolekcije, ki je prvotno namenjena nohtom na nogah. Potem sem dodala še 2 plasti blue addicted (78) in manikura je bila končana.

First I painted my nails with one coat of the caribbean sea (03) polish, which takes a part in Essence Show your feet collection and is primary a toe nailpolish. Then I added 2 more coats of the blue addicted (78) glitter and the manicure was done.

Na soncu/ Outside

V stanovanju / Inside

Upam, da vam je manikura všeč!
I hope you like the manicure!

24. september 2011

NOTD: Essence Wild thing and Essence time for romance

Živjo. Danes samo hiter post moje dnevne manikure, ker sem v velikem hitenju na rojstni dan. Uporabila sem 1 plast Essence Wild thing (52) in 2 plasti novega time for romance (72). Manikura je v realnem bolj roza in tudi bolj bleščičasta.

Hello. For today I have prepared a short post of my daily manicure, because I'm in a hurry to attend a Birthday party. I've used 1 coat of the Essence Wild thing (52) and 2 coats of new time for romance (72). the manicure is more pinky in real life and waay more sparkly because of all the glitter.

Levo/Left - Wild thing,
Desno/ Right - time for romance

Bolj realna slika /More real picture

Ne preveč resnična barva/
Less real colour

Za konec pa še ena, sicer grozna slika in grozna manikura, a moram pokazati vse včerajšne pridobitve. Vsi lakci so čez obrabljeno Zoya Minka, tako da slika prav tako ni preveč realna.

For the end: one awful picture with an awful manicure, but I have to show you all yesterday's baby's :) All of the polishes are coated over Zoya Minka, so this picture also isn't so real.

Z leve proti desni/ From left to right: 2 coats of blue addicted, 2 coats of time for romance, 2 coats of circus confetti, 1 coat of crack me! silver. 

Še 1x sorry za hiter post, želim vam lep dan! ;)
Sorry for qiuck post and have a nice day ;)

23. september 2011

Nove Essence pridobitve/ New Essence polish haul

Danes sem končno prišla do Essence stojala s prenovljenimi izdelki, tako da lahko pokažem par novih pridobitev. Circus confetti je sicer še iz starega stojala, ampak nič zato :) 

Today I finally came to the stand with renewed Essence products, so I can show you a couple of new pretties. Circus Confetti was otherwise still in the old stands, but that doesn’t matter.. :)

Z leve proti desni - vse Essence/ From left to right - all of them Essence:  all round tallent nail perfector, blue addicted (78), time for romance (72), circus confetti (02), crack me! silver (04).

blue addicted and time for romance

circus confetti and silver crack me!

In, ker sem imela pred kratkim rojstni dan lahko pokažem še eno super lepo verižico, ki bo popestrila marsikatero, mogoče dolgočasno, oblačilo:

And, because I had my birthday recently I can show you even one nice necklace, which will make boring dresses much better looking:

Accessories neklace

Kateri lakec bo pristal pri vas doma? :) Imate rajši enobarvne modne dodatke ali pisane, kot jaz?
Lep vikend vam želim!

Which of them would you prefer? Do you prefer a single color or colorful fashion accessories, like me?
I wish you all a great weekend!

20. september 2011

Zoya Minka

Danes vam predstavljam moje kozmetično rojstnodnevno darilo. Prečudovita Zoya Minka. Manikura z njo je primerna predvsem za osnovo nail arta ali konada, sama pa je še kako »službena« oz. za takrat, ko okoliščine ne pustijo preveč vpadljivih manikur.  

Opis na strani ji ne dela krivice: Mlečna bež kremna barva z rumenkastimi podtoni ter komaj opaznim srebrnim perlastim sijajem.
Popolnoma prekrivna je v enem sloju, jaz sem že iz navade dala 2. Je del  Zoya Touch omejene kolekcije, ki vključuje tri nude odtenke, poleg Minke še odtenka Shay in Pandora. 

Z malo sonca / With a small amount of  sun

Today I am showing you my birthday gift – Zoya Minka. The manicure, which I’ve made, is suitable for nail art or Konad, if you wear it without anything it is perfect for job, school or other calm occasions.

The description on the page describes Minka very well: A pale, milky beige nude with yellow undertones and a hint of pearly silver shimmer. An opaque, full-coverage nude, especially flattering on skin with neutral and olive tones.

It is really fully opaque in a single layer, but I added another one just because of a habit. Minka is a part of the limited Touch collection, which includes three nude shades – Minka, Shay and Pandora. 

Hvala za ogled! / Thaks for watching!

17. september 2011

NOTD: Forever Mine, Essence + Clyde Nail Art Twin, Essence

Živjo. Danes sem se odločila za malo instant nail arta, ker bo jutri doooolg dan in potrebujem cel dan lepe nohtke. Najprej sem uporabila Forever Mine lak iz Denim Wanted Trend kolekcije, dodala pa še 1 oz. 2 plasti glitter topperja Clyde.
Upam, da bo manikura zdržala cel dan brez pretiranega krušenja.

Hi. Today I’ve decided to do a little instant nail art, because tomorrow is going to be a looooong day and I need my manicure to be perfect for the whole day. First I used the polish from the Denim Wanted Limited collection – Forever Mine and then I added 1 or 2 layers of the glitter topper Clyde.
I hope it will last all day without excessive chipping.

Levo - Clyde 03, Desno - Forever Mine 04/
Left - Clyde, Right - Forever Mine

Forever Wanted
1 ali 2 plasti Glitter Topperja /
1 or 2 layers of the Glitter Topper

Vam je všeč končana manikura? Barva mi je ok, samo nisem se mogla odločiti ali želim še dodatek ali bo Forever Mine zadostoval, ker je sam po sebi super lep :D

How do you find the final manicure? I like the color myself but i couldn't decide whether i need an additional layer or would the forever mine be enough- because it is very beautiful itself.

16. september 2011

NOTD: Metal Babe, Essence + Red Depend Crackle

Ker se je prejšnjemu lakcu ( Metal Babe, Essence), že zahotelo obrabiti, sem danes dodala 1 plast rdečega Depend Crackla. Kot sem že povedala, trenutno obožujem crackle nohte, tako, da zame ni nič groznega, če jih dodajam skoraj na vsak lak, ko se malo obrabi. Enostavna rešitev pa še dobro zgleda! Na koncu sem dodala še 1 plast nadlaka – sealing top coat od Essence za daljšo obstojnost in shiny finish. 

The last manicure with the Metal Babe polish from Essence was getting worse, so I've added one coat of a red Depend Crackle. Like I've said before I'm in kind of a crackle phase, so it’s nothing bad about adding a crackle over almost every polish I wear. There is a solution for a small tip wear – just add 1 coat of your favorite crackle and voila, a new, fresh and modern manicure is here. It is simple and of course it looks great! At the end I also added one coat of the Sealing top coat from Essence for a longer resistance and shiny look. 

Nail art sealing top coat and Depend 5004

Brez nadlaka/ without top coat

Z nadlakom / With shiny top coat
Depend lakci so pri nas dokaj novi, imajo jih v DM-ih stanejo pa 1,7€ za navaden lak in 2,1€ za crackle, kar je resnično malo, glede na to, da crackle razpoka lepo, prav tako je obstojnost dobra. Ponudba niha, saj so nekje dobro založeni, nekje pa cel čas izropani, tako da morate imeti kar srečo.

14. september 2011

NOTD: Essence Metal Babe

Danes je na vrsti Essence Metal Babe lakec, ki je bil del Glam Rock kolekcije. Navzven zgleda navaden siv lak, na soncu pa se razkrije njegov čudovit holografski učinek. Holografski efekt je kar opazen in zato je lak tudi eden izmed mojih najljubših. Škoda, ker je bila kolekcija časovno in količinsko omejena, ker če bi bila na voljo malo dlje, bi zagotovo naredila veliiiiko zalogo lepotca!
For today's NOTD I want to show you the Metal Babe nail polish from Essence which has taken part in the Glam Rock Trend Edition. It looks like a normal grey polish but in the sun it shows his beautiful holographic effect. The effect is quite strong and it makes one of my favorites. It’s too bad that the collection was time and quantity limited because if it was available a little longer I would have certainly made a laaaarge stock of this beauty!

V senci / In the shadow

Na soncu / In the sun 

Holo efekt / Hollo effect

Kakšni se vam zdijo holo lakci? Imate kakšnega?
What do you think about hollographic effect? Do you own any polishes with it?



Letošnje poletje sem si namesto ležanja na plaži (ok, tudi tega je bilo dovolj) omislila izlet v London. Trajal je 6 dni, prevoznik je bil Ryanair, spala pa sem v hotelu Easy Jet Victoria, ki je takoooooo blizu centra, ampak ima majčkene majčkene sobe. To niti ni tako važno, važno je, da sem se imela super. Sicer sem bolj videvala turiste, ampak pristni Londončani res vedo, kaj je stil in moda. 

In this summer I've changed the lazy seaside holidays for a trip to London for 6 days. We went there with Ryanair, slept in Easy Jet Hotel Victoria, which is sooooo close to the center, but has really tiny, tiny rooms. That is not so important; what is important is all the fun I had there. Otherwise I was seeing just tourists, but all in all Londoners really know what style and fashion is. 

Upam, da bom s slikami pričarala vsaj malo Londonskega vzdušja:

I hope that pictures will help me to show you at least a little of the London's atmosphere:

Big Ben

Tower Bridge

Red telephone box

Fish and Chips

Changing the Guard at the Buckingham Palace

Na koncu pa še bonus slika M&M's world, ki me je čisto očaral, ker sem velika ljubiteljica čokolade! 

At the end one bonus picture of M&M's world which really impressed me because I'm a huuuuge chocolate lover! <3

M&M's World London

12. september 2011

Very first one :)

Jupiii, tudi jaz sem si končno naredila blog. Večinoma bo vseboval slike in poste o lakih, nakupih, potovanjih, mojem preživljanju prostega časa in še kaj se bo našlo.
Za prvič objavljam manikuro s crackle lakcem, ker jih zadnje čase največ uporabljam in imam zato tudi največ takih manikur na zalogi.

Jeeej, my first post is here. The most of my posts will include pictures of nail polishes, hauls, shopping sprees and about my free time. There will also be place for some other things which I will show you in the next posts. I must also say that I am very weak in English, so don't be too harsh on me. :)
For the first post I have chosen a crackle NOTD, because I like combinations with the crackle polishes so I made a lot of manicures with them.

Levo/Left - BarryM pink crackle,
Desno/Right - MaxFactor Nailfinity Disco Pink 704

Najprej sem nohte nalakirala z desnim odtenkom Disco Pink, uporabila sem 2 sloja, lak se je lepo nanašal.

For a base colour I take the Disco Pink shade from MaxFactor Nailfinity collection. It was opaque in 2 coats, texture is ok.
Nailfinity Disco Pink 2 sloja/coats

Potem sem dodala še 1 sloj BarryM roza crackla, ki je lepo dopolnil, drugače čisto enostavno, manikuro. Kombinacija mi je všeč, ampak so mi všeč malo bolj kontrastne, zato bom drugič poskusila z drznejšo kombinacijo.

Later I have added one coat of the BarryM pink crackle which has nicely completed, otherwise not so interesting manicure. Personly I like the combination, but next time I will go for more colour contrast, because it's waay more interesting with using crackle polishes. 
1 plast/coat BarryM crackle +
1 plast/coat of Essence Nail Art protecting Top Coat

To je to zaenkrat.
This is it for now.