5. oktober 2011

Crackle Manicures

Živjo. Se opravičujem, ker me nekaj časa ni bilo na spregled, ampak začel se je fax in s tem poooolno dodatnih obveznosti. Za danes sem pripravila nekaj starih manikur s crackle topperji. Če vas zanimajo lakci iz katerih je kombinacija nastala bom z veseljem odgovorila.

Heeey! I'm sorry for being absent for a while, because I've started with a new academic year. That brings up a lot of different obligations. For today I've prepared a couple of old manicures with a crackle effect. If you want to know which polishes I've used, just ask me and I will be happy to answer you. 

Se opravičujem za slabo stanje nohtov na nekaterih slikah in za slabo kvaliteto, ker so nekatere posnete s telefonom.

And also sorry for the bad nail condition and bad picture quality, because some pictures were taken with a mobile phone.

Katera kombinacija vam je najbljubša?
Which combination do you prefer?

28. september 2011

NOTD: Essence Caribbean Sea + Essence blue addicted

Živjo. Nekaj dni sem imela res gnečo, tako, da je moj blog malo počival. Danes vam spet predstavljam NOTD manikuro, ki je narejena iz novih Essence pridobitev. Ker sem res želela preizkusiti tudi blue addicted je bilo nujno, da pride na vrsto takoj za time for romance, ki sem ga predstavila prejšnič.

Hello. I have busy days around here, so my blog was alone for a while. Today I'm showing you the next polish from my new Essence haul. After the manicure with time for romance I was really looking forward to present you the blue addict.

Levo/ Left - carribean sea,
Desno/Right - blue addicted

Najprej sem nohte namazala z eno plastjo caribbean sea (03) laka, ki je sicer del Essence Show your feet kolekcije, ki je prvotno namenjena nohtom na nogah. Potem sem dodala še 2 plasti blue addicted (78) in manikura je bila končana.

First I painted my nails with one coat of the caribbean sea (03) polish, which takes a part in Essence Show your feet collection and is primary a toe nailpolish. Then I added 2 more coats of the blue addicted (78) glitter and the manicure was done.

Na soncu/ Outside

V stanovanju / Inside

Upam, da vam je manikura všeč!
I hope you like the manicure!

24. september 2011

NOTD: Essence Wild thing and Essence time for romance

Živjo. Danes samo hiter post moje dnevne manikure, ker sem v velikem hitenju na rojstni dan. Uporabila sem 1 plast Essence Wild thing (52) in 2 plasti novega time for romance (72). Manikura je v realnem bolj roza in tudi bolj bleščičasta.

Hello. For today I have prepared a short post of my daily manicure, because I'm in a hurry to attend a Birthday party. I've used 1 coat of the Essence Wild thing (52) and 2 coats of new time for romance (72). the manicure is more pinky in real life and waay more sparkly because of all the glitter.

Levo/Left - Wild thing,
Desno/ Right - time for romance

Bolj realna slika /More real picture

Ne preveč resnična barva/
Less real colour

Za konec pa še ena, sicer grozna slika in grozna manikura, a moram pokazati vse včerajšne pridobitve. Vsi lakci so čez obrabljeno Zoya Minka, tako da slika prav tako ni preveč realna.

For the end: one awful picture with an awful manicure, but I have to show you all yesterday's baby's :) All of the polishes are coated over Zoya Minka, so this picture also isn't so real.

Z leve proti desni/ From left to right: 2 coats of blue addicted, 2 coats of time for romance, 2 coats of circus confetti, 1 coat of crack me! silver. 

Še 1x sorry za hiter post, želim vam lep dan! ;)
Sorry for qiuck post and have a nice day ;)