5. oktober 2011

Crackle Manicures

Živjo. Se opravičujem, ker me nekaj časa ni bilo na spregled, ampak začel se je fax in s tem poooolno dodatnih obveznosti. Za danes sem pripravila nekaj starih manikur s crackle topperji. Če vas zanimajo lakci iz katerih je kombinacija nastala bom z veseljem odgovorila.

Heeey! I'm sorry for being absent for a while, because I've started with a new academic year. That brings up a lot of different obligations. For today I've prepared a couple of old manicures with a crackle effect. If you want to know which polishes I've used, just ask me and I will be happy to answer you. 

Se opravičujem za slabo stanje nohtov na nekaterih slikah in za slabo kvaliteto, ker so nekatere posnete s telefonom.

And also sorry for the bad nail condition and bad picture quality, because some pictures were taken with a mobile phone.

Katera kombinacija vam je najbljubša?
Which combination do you prefer?